Plenary Speakers – 2017

Lisa S. Starks “Sexuality, Gender, and the Author in the ‘Queer Lite’ Shakespeare Biopic”

Friday, October 20th at 10:30 am

Hugh Grady, “Whiteness, Past and Present: Reading Antony and Cleopatra in the Obama Era.”

Saturday, October 21st at 10:30 am


Picture of Hugh Grady

Hugh Grady is Professor Emeritus of English at Arcadia University, where he specialized in Shakespeare, early modern literature, and critical theory. His books include The Modernist Shakespeare: Critical Texts in a Material World (OUP, 1991), Shakespeare’s Universal Wolf: Essays in Early Modern Reification (OUP, 1996), Shakespeare, Machiavelli, and Montaigne: Power and Subjectivity from ‘Richard II’ to ‘Hamlet’ (OUP 2002), and Shakespeare and Impure Aesthetics (Cambridge UP, 2009) He is co-editor with Terence Hawkes of Presentist Shakespeares (Routledge, 2007) and of Shakespeare and the Urgency of Now (Palgrave, 2012) with Cary DiPietro. His most recent book is John Donne and Baroque Allegory: The Aesthetics of Fragmentation (Cambridge UP, 2017).


Image of Lisa Starks

Lisa S. Starks is Professor of English at University of South Florida St. Petersburg, where she chairs the Department of Verbal and Visual Arts and directs the MLA in Liberal Studies Program. She has published on sexuality, violence, and trauma in Renaissance drama, Shakespeare on screen, Shakespearean appropriations of Ovid, and other topics. Her essays have appeared in journals such as Shakespeare Quarterly, Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, and Shakespearean International Yearbook; and in book collections such as Julius Caesar: A Critical Reader (ed. Andrew James Hartley, Arden/Bloomsbury, 2016), Violent Masculinities: Male Aggression in Early Modern Texts and Culture (eds. Jennifer Feather and Catherine Thomas, Palgrave, 2013), Staging the Blazon in Early Modern English Theatre (eds. Sara Morrison and Deborah Umann, 2013), and Antony and Cleopatra: New Critical Essays (ed. Sara Munson Deats, Routledge, 2005), among others. Her book publications include two collections co-edited with Courtney Lehmann, Spectacular Shakespeare: Critical Theory and Popular Cinema and The Reel Shakespeare: Alternative Cinema and Theory (Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2002) and, more recently, the monograph Violence, Trauma, and Virtus in Shakespeare’s Roman Poems and Plays: Transforming Ovid (Palgrave, 2014). She is currently editing a book collection entitled Ovid and Adaptation in Early Modern English Theater (under contract with Edinburgh University Press) and writing a monograph on Levinas, Shakespeare, and adaptation.