Conference Schedule – 2017

*** Click Here for a PDF copy of the 2017 Schedule: 2017 OVSC Program ***

Program Schedule

Thursday, October 19


11 am-5 pm. Registration table open in Cybercafé near Sandstone III

12:30-5 Coffee and beverage service  Sandstone III


1-2:20 pm 

Session 1 Historical Contexts I: Ambassadors, temptation, and primal scenes  Sandstone I

Moderator:  Eva McManus, Ohio Northern University

Jessica L. Becker, Wright State University. “No Small Parts:  Launcelot’s Ambassadorial Duties”

Amy Drake, Ohio Dominican University. “Temptation:  Desire Expressed in British Literature”

Zachariah Long, Ohio Wesleyan University.  “Trauma Theory Then and Now:  The Primal Scene in Pericles.


Session 2:  Adaptations I: Shakespeare in Popular Culture  Sandstone II

Moderator: Kyriakos Nalmpantis, Baldwin Wallace University

Reginald Rampone, Jr. South Carolina State University. “Private Romeo in Real Time and Theatrical Time.”

Emily Ruth Isaacson. Heidelberg University. “A Merchant out of Time:  Uses of Shakespeare in Contemporary Comics.

Rosann Gage, Kent State University. “Teaching dramatic Form through 20th and 21st Century Illustrated Prose Adaptations for Children of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.


2:30-3:50 pm

Session 3:”Your Philosophy, Horatio” Sandstone I

Moderator:   Joe Sullivan, Marietta College

James Newlin, Case Western Reserve University. ‘‘A Sad Tale’s Best for Winter’:  Counting and Recounting in Manchester by the Sea and The Winter’s Tale

Maggie Vinter, Case Western Reserve University, “‘I follow thee”:  Death, Time and Imitation in Hamlet.”


Session 4 Identity Now and Then: Disguises, Motherhood, and Riddles Sandstone II

Moderator: Susan Oldrieve, Baldwin Wallace University

Byron Nelson, West Virginia University. “Changing Shapes with Proteus for Advantage:  The Functions and Dangers of Shakespearean Disguises.”

Savannah Xaver, University of Toledo. “Blood and Milk” The Masculinity of Motherhood in Shakespeare’s Tragedies.”

Catherine E. Thomas. Georgia Gwinnett College. “Riddle Me This: Making Sense of Shakespearean Puzzles.


4-5:20 pm

Session 5  Biographical Shakespeare Now and Then  Sandstone I

Moderator:  Savannah Xaver, University of Toledo

James J. Marino, Cleveland State University, “Shakespeare’s Protestant Network.”

Jared Johnson, Thiel College. “Ghostwriting Shakespeare:  Authorship and Cultural Appropriation in Ian Doescher’s William Shakespeare’s Star Wars:  The Tragedy of the Sith’s Revenge.”


Session 6 Women Now and Then  Sandstone II

Moderator:  Erin Kelly, California State University Chico

Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich, The Ohio State University Mansfield. “Time for Timon:  Rewriting Shakespeare’s Worst Play.”

Jane Wells, “‘As if the strings were thine’:  Of Women’s Bonds and Bondage in Othello.

Taija Noel, North Dakota State University.  “Reimagining Hero:  Taking Just and Necessary Liberties in Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing.”


Dinner on your own (Nearby restaurants on page 8).


Evening Entertainment

6:00 Transportation from Welcome Center for 6:30 Pre performance talk and  7:30 performance of GLTF’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream Tickets $25 per person; $13 for students.  Snack boxes available. See


7:30 pm Baldwin Wallace production of Tom Stoppard’s Rock and Roll. Free.  Kleist Center for the Arts


Friday October 20


8-5 Registration table open in Cybercafé, near Sandstone III
All day:  Coffee and beverage service in Sandstone III


Session 7  Historical Contexts II: Humphrey, Henry, and John   Sandstone I

Moderator: Branden Szuminsky, Baldwin Wallace University

Sean Oros, Thiel College. “From Good Duke to Knave:  Critical Opinion of Shakespeare’s Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester

Sandra Logan, Michigan State University, “Henry VI and Sovereign Authority”

Philip Goldfarb Styrt, Independent Scholar, “The Then of Then: Shakespeare’s Historicism in King John

Session 8 “Whirligig of Time” I    Sandstone II

Moderator: David George

Robert Pierce, Oberlin College. “Time’s Games with Decision and Fate”

James A. Lewin, Shepherd University. “Authority, Sovereignty, and Time in Shakespeare’s Lucrece.

Jennifer Forsyth, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.  “Fresh Lilies and Rubies Unparagoned:  The Value of Flowers Gemstones, and a Sense of Time”

10:30-11:30 Plenary Session:  Lisa S. Starks, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, “Sexuality, Gender, and the Author in the ‘Queer Lite’ Shakespeare Biopic”   Sandstone III

11:45-1:30  Conference Buffet Lunch   Colony Room Multipurpose Rooms  


1:30-2:50  pm

Session 9 Presentism:  Queer Theory, Race, and Street Fighting   Sandstone I

Moderator: Brennan Murphy, Baldwin Wallace University

Anthony Patricia, Concord University. “Shakesqueer Film as Presentist Intermediary between the Shakespeare of Now and the Shakespeare of Then.”

Anna Glotzer, The University of Akron. “Wright’s Bigger Thomas and Paul Robeson’s Othello:  Representations of Black Male Physicality.

Russell Bodi, Owens College.  “Lessons from a Street Fighter:  Reconsidering Romeo and Juliet.”

Session 10 The Problem of the Past: Time in Shakespeare’s History Plays  Sandstone II

Moderator:  Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich

Bethany Packard, Transylvania University. “‘My determined time’: Father-Son Self-Destruction in Henry VI, Part I”

Emily Shortslef, University of Kentucky. “Crying over history:  the ‘lamentable tale’ of Richard II”

Erin Kelly, California State University at Chico. “‘As many lines close in the dial’s center’:  Layered time in Henry V”


3:00-4:45  pm

Session 11 A New Variorum Edition of Coriolanus     Sandstone I

Moderator: Robert Pierce, Oberlin College

David George, Urbana University.  “A Thirty Year Project”

Julie McDaniel, Urbana University and Sinclair Community College “Old Books and Early Editors:  A Librarian’s View of the the New Variorum Project.”

Megan-Marie Johnson Online Library Center, Dublin Ohio. “ ‘Their Noise Be Our Instruction”: A Shakespearean Education through Centuries of Critical Thought on Shakespeare’s Coriolanus.


Session 12 Undergraduate Seminar I: Men, Women, and a Fool      Sandstone II

Moderator: Hillary Nunn, University of Akron

Kelley Lewis, Ohio Northern University “‘Are you a Man’:The Conflicts of Gender and Power in Macbeth

Cassidy Wheeler, Transylvania University. “Man vs. Society:  The Agency of Toxic Masculinity and Misogyny in Shakespeare’s Heterosexual Relationships.

Kate Kuchefski, Wright State University. “The (Death) Clock Ticks On”

Tina Kramer, Thiel College. “You’re Never Too Old to Laugh:  An Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Fool in the Modern Era.”


Evening Entertainment


5:30-6:30 Undergraduate Reception sponsored by the Baldwin Wallace Sigma Tau Delta and Phi Alpha Theta honorary societies.  Marting Lounge, Marting Hall on Beech Street.


6:45 Transportation to GLTF’s 7:30 showing of Hunchback of Notre Dame. Tickets $25; $13 for students.  Snack boxes available. See Transportation back to the Crowne Plaza/campus after the show.


7:30 BW production of Tom Stoppard’s Rock N Roll , Baldwin Wallace Kleist Center for Art and Drama


Saturday October 21

8-11 am  Registration desk open in Strosacker Union Lobby
All day:  Coffee and beverage service in Sandstone III

8-8:45  OVSC Board meeting and breakfast Sandstone III.

9-10:20 am

Session 13:    Adaptations II: Making it work   Sandstone I

Moderator: Russ Bodi, Owens College

David George, Urbana University “The Taming of the Shrew and Coriolanus:  Re-interpretations and Adaptations after the Major Western Ideological Revolutions.”

William Grim, Strayer University “The Operatic Legacy of King Lear”

Jim Casey, Arcadia University. “Bhardwaj’s ‘Shakespeare’:  Violence, Adaptation , and (Post)Colonialism.”

Session 14  “The Whirligig of Time” II  Sandstone II 

Moderator: Jane Wells

Jonathan Chambers and Stephannie S. Gearhart, Bowling Green State University. “Against ‘the whirligig of time”; Twelfth Night, the Dramaturgical Sensibility, and 21st Century Educational Theatre.”

Benjamin Moran, The Ohio State University. “Churning Earth.”

Joe Keener, Indiana University Kokomo. “The Cognition and Performance of Resonant Temporalities in Richard III.


10:30-11:30 Plenary Session:  Hugh Grady, Arcadia University “”Whiteness, Past and Present: Reading Antony and Cleopatra in the Obama Era.”  Sandstone III


11:45-1:30 Lunch on your own (nearby restaurants on page 8)


1:30-2:50  pm

Session 15 Theatricality Now and Then  Sandstone I

Moderator:  Anthony Patricia, Concord University

Jennifer Royston, The University of Toledo. “Dangerous Art and the Relevancy of Renaissance Drama Today.”

Marguerite de Waal. University of Pretoria, South Africa. “False sweet baits: theatre as revelatory deception in Much Ado About Nothing and As You Like It.

Joseph Sullivan, Marietta College. “‘The Miraculous Actual:  Glossed Death in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and HBO’s The Leftovers.’

Session 16  Undergraduate Seminar II:  Issues Now and Then  Sandstone II

Moderator:  Susan Oldrieve, Baldwin Wallace University

Emily Dietrich, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. “An Exploration of the Ultimate Defiance of Ageist Views in Shakespeare’s King Lear

Benjamin Holda, University of Akron. “Life, Death, and their Differences:  Early Economics within The Atheist’s Tragedy.

Aubrey Wiest, The Ohio State University, “Modern Day Rape culture and Titus Andronicus”


3:00-4:45  pm

Session 17 Political Theatre:  Subversive encoding and oppositional voices  Sandstone I

Moderator:  Bethany Packard, Transylvania University

Jeffrey Wilson, Harvard University. “The Fortunes of Fate in Hamlet:  Divine Providence and Social Determinism”

Gabriel Rieger, Concord University. “‘Indeed, it is a strange-disposed time’: Julius Caesar, A Game at Chess,  and the Politics of Staging”

Anne-Marie Walkowicz. Central State University. “Shakespeare’s Oppositional Voices: Politics, Power, and Citizenship in Julius Caesar Both Then and Now”

Session 18 Shakespeare Today  Sandstone II

Moderator:  Jim Casey, Arcadia University

Eva McManus, Ohio Northern University. “‘I’ll put a girdle around about the earth in forty minutes”:  The Bard in Motion Everywhere.”

Natalie Loper, The University of Alabama. “Teaching Shakespeare in our Times”

Timothy Francisco, Youngstown State University. “The Case for Irrelevance: Shakespeare, Working Class Students, and Working Class Studies””